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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Meet the Team

Built in 1990 the centre is open daily from 08:00am to 10:30pm and the Real Tennis court was the first court built in the UK for 80 years. Our four experienced sports professionals offering expert tuition.

Mark Eadle
In 1984, Mark gave up his career as a pro soccer player with Oxford United to become a real tennis professional. In 1990 he joined Jonathan Howell at the, then, newly built Oratory School Tennis Court. Mark is a highly motivated individual and is very keen to bring players into the game and to train them to not only be tournament players, but good club professionals. In late 2007 Mark took over as Sports Executive at the Oratory.

Ross Brown
Ross's passion for tennis took him to France where he worked in Paris and the UK. In early 2007 Ross joined Oratory as a trainee professional and has done afbulous job in building club events at the Oratory Club organising tournaments, pennant matches and coaching kids and club players. Ross enjoys all sport and his warm demeanor and banter off court make him a popular member of the Oratory team.

Tom Huelin
Tom graduated from the University of Southampton with a BSc in Sports Science and in 2006 took the position of Head of Fitness & Conditioning at The Oratory School Sports Centre. Tom specializes in sports-specific training for amateurs and professionals including current top 10 real tennis players. He also works with cricketers, golfers, tennis players and skiers . For more infirmation visit Tom's Fitness Website

Tom Phipps

The newest member of staff in the Sports Centre. Tom Phipps joined the team in summer 2008 , a top 200 in the world squash player and strong racket-ball player. Aged 22, Tom has taken to Real Tennis quickly, and has settled in well with the Oratory team.
